When we think about the relationships we have with people, a lot of them are rooted in the past experiences we have had together. You think about the times you had growing up, or in college or grad school and sometimes those times are used to justify keeping people in your life. One thing that I have realized is that memories are not enough to keep a relationship with someone (no matter the kind) strong.
What I am noticing in my own life over the last few years is that while I have great memories with some people our current situations no longer complement each other. I do not think people should stop spending time with people because they do not grow in the same way, I do think it’s smart to realize who is growing in a way that complements your own growth. This is not something that folks one day wake up and realize, you can notice it in the ways you spend your free time, what you choose to read or consume and especially what you consider fun or entertaining.
My own growth definitely has not been a complement to everyone who was in my life previously so its fine for them to also choose not to spend time with me because it does not work for their life.
I believe that nobody will come out the other side of COVID-19 unscathed. Take stock in who complements not who you were but who you now are not only due to COVID-19 but life generally.