Its that time of year where everyone reflects on where they have been and where they are trying to go. In the recent weeks I have had people in my life ask me “What are your goals for next year?”. My answer back to them is that I do not have goals but more so priorities for the coming year. The reason I believe in priorities more than goals is because goals seem so narrow and easy to miss while when you are prioritizing it casts a wider net for you achieve the results that you want. Below are the priorities that I have for myself in 2018.
Financial Gains- Now that I know where I will be geographically and I have gotten experiences that can get me the job I want I can now prioritize my salary and not only look for a way to get my foot in the door no matter what.
Leadership Experiences- Whether that be inside or outside of my place of employment. In 2018 I will be helping mentor at an organization called Teens in Technology which aims to make south central Los Angeles black & brown boys into High Tech company founders. So I guess you can say that priority is being filled already.
Dating- Again, now that I know where I want to be geographically for awhile I can spend time getting to know women and really dating, I had been putting this off for two years so I am ready to get back out there on the scene. So if you are looking for a Nigerian king hit me up! lol
Traveling- I want to travel with a purpose so I do not want to say i went somewhere just to go but to travel for events in different cities like Afro Tech, Essence Fest luckily All Star Weekend is here in 2018 but you get my point!
So, I encourage folks to rethink the way they view the new year vs a list of goals look at it as things you want to prioritize less or more in the coming year!